The business growth blueprint for mission-driven coaches.


The business growth blueprint for
mission-driven coaches.


This is the moment you make the declaration to do things differently.
This is the moment you choose more from life.
This is the moment you decide to finally let go of everything holding you back.

Because the reality is the only thing that is actually holding you back is yourself.

And the moment you accept that is the moment you realise you have all the power in your hands.

Everything you need is waiting for you.
But you need to choose it.

Because right now…

You are choosing inconsistent months.
You are choosing offer structures that don’t make sense.
You are choosing to waste time on the things that don’t matter.
You are choosing to not understand ethical sales.
You are choosing a business model that feels like a slowly sinking ship.

The truth is that the difference between a successful coaching business, and one that feels like it is stuck on a treadmill, is not the effort that is put in - more effort does not bring more results.

The real difference is about knowing where to put your energy so that it actually brings sustainable, predictable, compounding growth… year after year after year.

So this is the moment…

Where you choose to stop waiting for the perfect time.
Where you choose to stop accepting less than is meant for you.
Where you choose to accept the guidance you need.

This is the moment you take back control.

Joshua + Haley
Team Onyx


This is the moment you make the declaration to do things differently.
This is the moment you choose more from life.
This is the moment you decide to finally let go of everything holding you back.

Because the reality is the only thing that is actually holding you back is yourself.

And the moment you accept that is the moment you realise you have all the power in your hands.

Everything you need is waiting for you.
But you need to choose it.

Because right now…

You are choosing inconsistent months.
You are choosing offer structures that don’t make sense.
You are choosing to waste time on the things that don’t matter.
You are choosing to not understand ethical sales.
You are choosing a business model that feels like a slowly sinking ship.

The truth is that the difference between a successful coaching business, and one that feels like it is stuck on a treadmill, is not the effort that is put in - more effort does not bring more results.

The real difference is about knowing where to put your energy so that it actually brings sustainable, predictable, compounding growth… year after year after year.

So this is the moment…

Where you choose to stop waiting for the perfect time.
Where you choose to stop accepting less than is meant for you.
Where you choose to accept the guidance you need.

This is the moment you take back control.

Joshua + Haley
Team Onyx


22+ Years

Combined Entrepreneur Experience


Coaches Graduated


Successful Intakes


Trees Planted



» We've had brand new coaches use the OBA blueprint to scale up to 6-figure months.
» And we've had coaches that have been in the industry for a decade use the OBA blueprint to reach all new levels of success.

It doesn't matter what level you're at.

If you're a coach or mentor, you're in the right place.

These principles are timeless.



» Online Learning Portal - Lifetime access to over 100 detailed modules walking you through our entire blueprint step-by-step.

» Intimate Weekly Coaching Sessions - For deeper integration of our blueprint and entrepreneurial mindset support.

» Ongoing Message Support - Direct communication and support in-between calls.

» Streamlined Systems - You will receive a suite of custom-built Onyx tools + templates that manage every single aspect of your business to support you as you scale, all in one cohesive eco-system.

» Private Community Access - Network of powerful entrepreneurs and coaches.

» Guest Expert Workshops - Covering copywriting, accounting, branding, legal protection (including your own contract template suite), trademarks, and more.



» High-level business strategies.
» Building optimised and irresistible offers.
» Ethical sales skills that convert.
» An aligned and effective marketing system to build an unstoppable brand.
» Back-end systemization and tools.
» An unbreakable entrepreneurial mindset.


»We've had brand new coaches use the OBA blueprint to scale up to 6-figure months.
» And we've had coaches that have been in the industry for a decade use the OBA blueprint to reach all new levels of success.

It doesn't matter what level you're at.

If you're a coach or mentor, these principles are timeless.



» Online Learning Portal - Lifetime access to over 100 detailed modules walking you through our entire blueprint step-by-step.

» Intimate Weekly Coaching Sessions - For deeper integration of our blueprint and entrepreneurial mindset support.

» Ongoing Message Support - Direct communication and support in-between calls.

» Streamlined Systems - You will have your own business dashboard, custom built by Joshua, where the systems that manage every single aspect of your business will ready to support you as you scale, all in one cohesive eco-system.

» Guest Expert Workshops - Covering copywriting, accounting, branding, legal protection (including your own contract template suite), trademarks, and more.



» High-level business strategies.
» Building optimised and irresistible offers.
» Ethical sales skills that convert.
» An aligned and effective marketing system to build an unstoppable brand.
» Back-end systemization and tools.
» An unbreakable entrepreneurial mindset.


What our students are saying...

Kayla Pickering: "The best investment I have ever made in my life. Before I joined Onyx, I had been a coach for almost six years, and I was struggling to pay my bills, and to pay my rent. Since being a part of Onyx, I have tripled my income, and I have signed on more clients in a month than I’ve ever signed on. My family and I are about to move into our dream house. I have never had this much support as an entrepreneur."

Haila Macedo: "It is by far the best investment I could have chosen as a coach and business owner. What Josh & Haley gave me through OBA is a gift that will last a lifetime. The strategies and systems that Josh has created and the way they both teach and present it goes beyond caring. I was and still am absolutely blown away by what I get to sit down to every day as I create my business because of their genius. You are wasting precious time if you think that you’ll figure it out through another program or on your own without OBA. If you love yourself and your mission, you’ll be joining OBA."

Nicole Brennan: "I have integrated and fully stepped into my role as a leader. This program is so much more than a program. It’s an energetic tuning and upgrade. Haley & Josh - more so than any business coach I’ve worked with - really see your highest potential and they push you to show up and actualize that potential.

When I started this program… my audience was growing more quickly than I could handle. I know I know, that’s a great problem to have, but they provided me with systems that would allow for my nervous system to regulate. In the span of 3 short months, I have integrated and fully stepped into my role as a leader. I don’t just write like a leader or think like a leader or want to be a leader. I am a leader, and I feel that in my bones. I feel so grateful to Haley & Josh for teaching the strategies and tools that allow me to really embody that (in addition to me doing my own work of course).

I’ll add that their unique balance of feminine + masculine energies was also really nourishing to my nervous system. Somedays I align more with the feminine, some days more with the logical and strategic masculine. Having access to both feels great.

In the 3 months since starting OBA - I have signed 15 high-ticket clients and reached a point where I can honestly say that it’s easy. Haley always says that… let it be easy. Trust me when I tell you that you do get to the state when it really does become easy… I’m so freaking grateful that I trusted myself and the universe enough to make this investment in myself and my business."

Lorena Schuth: "The best investment I have ever made. I had high expectations of this program, but this program absolutely exceeded my expectations. I did not know so much growth could be possible in such a short amount of time. My vision has grown. I see so much more possibility. I have sold out my program with so much ease and so far in advance. I absolutely can not believe how much I got out of this! This program is everything you need, whether you are building from scratch, or you are needing support in expanding and accelerating. I am eternally grateful."

Emma Marshall: "I don’t have enough good things to say about Onyx Business Academy. I’ve worked with many coaches over the years and have never come close to feeling as supported - internally and externally - as I did with the support from Haley and Josh in business.

There is SO much love poured into OBA. The systems, tools, and strategic aspects are genuinely unbelievable, and the energetic container is also so potent. I’m a huge fan of duality, and Haley and Josh have the perfect masculine / feminine balance.

If you’re looking for a container to absolutely rock your world as a business owner, OBA is a no brainer. I feel confident, clear, and connected to my mission, and I know these two humans are coaches I will have in my corner for a long time.

Endless gratitude for Haley and Josh and for the beautiful, intimate, brilliant container they created."

Martina Bellotti Inzoli: "Before OBA, I never knew what I had to do for my business. I was confused and I spent more time “thinking” about what I was supposed to do and how, than doing it. OBA provided me of a CLEAR structure, and inside that structure, I can be creative and in the flow. I know what I need to do, when and how, and I don’t loose my time anymore. I launched the first time 6 month pregnant, and now I can provide for my family and be a present mom to my baby while accomplishing my mission and supporting a lot of women."

Chiara Naala: "I had 700+ women sign up for my challenge and I've sold the spots that I would have usually needed an entire launch for within a few days with zero discovery calls and most of them didn't even need me to handle any kind of objections... It's so beautiful and I'm so so grateful for everything I've learned in OBA because I honestly wouldn't be able to handle this without the structure and tools you gave us."

Milica Radak: "Guiding women to their essence is what I live for, but money was not coming in the way I wanted it to.

When I took a deeply scary step to invest in OBA, I knew that the masculine structure of business was going to bring prosperity eventually, but I was shocked to see just how quickly it all unfolded. What Haley and Josh have put together is literally every business question you can possibly imagine being answered. The detail, the precision, the ease of the structure, the accessibility, the clarity…

I came to them with a 2 year financial goal of making multiple 5 figures a month and by the looks of it, I am just about to hit that goal a few months later. Every single month since starting OBA, my income has gone up and my audience has massively grown. 

This is the one and only business program you will ever have to invest in, as nothing was missed and everything is easily integrated. The absolute best thing about it is that I am finally relaxed in the knowing that the work I put in during OBA is what will be able to hold my business as it continues to scale. I no longer close myself off from success, as my nervous system now knows that growth is safe.

I don’t have enough thank yous for the incredible shifts that were made possible for me through this program."


OBA is an intensive and intimate process.

You will be working directly with Joshua and Haley in a high-level container as we develop your coaching business together.

This is not a DIY course or a surface-level cookie-cutter program.

This is all-in devoted mentorship, and we will transform and reimagine every level of your business and yourself as an entrepreneur.

This means we must limit the number of students we take on.

If you believe you're ready, click the button below and apply. Within 48 hours we will contact you, and if you're the right fit, we can get you enrolled.



LaVina Embodied: "I don't know where to begin. There was me before Onyx Business Academy and there was me after. My business went from 0 to 100. OBA has transformed my business & my life. I can now stand as a human with an offering to the world. I am forever so grateful to Haley and Josh. This is no doubt the best investment I've ever made in myself!" 

Heaven Leigh: "From the second I said my full body yes, my life changed really drastically. I can confidently say now that my back end is clean, sexy, streamlined, and supports me 100% of the time to stay in my creative flow. I know, for the first time ever, where my business will be in a year + from now and feel confident in the way that I show up. I not only am able to confidently show up as a coach, but I also sold out my entire beta intake in 20 days (a foreign concept to me prior) and continue selling out my future launches months in advance! Working with the two, together, is truly a blessing. 

A perfect balance of feminine and masculine. Haley brings in her goddess energy to support, witness, and lift me up to my highest self, while Joshua understands, guides, and holds a strong structure and frame for not only my business but for me as a person. When working with these two leaders, there was never any space for doubt, only deep devotion, growth, and expansion. I recommend this coaching program to anyone who is ready for some serious upgrading on all levels and is ready to really call themselves a leader (I seriously talk about it all of the time to my entrepreneur friends). My life has forever changed because of these two, and for that, I am endlessly grateful!"

Sharice Tareva: "I feel f*cking on fire! OBA has really been life-changing for me. With the strategies that Josh teaches us, and the marketing and all the things, I literally am almost all the way sold out of my one-on-one program. If you told me this a couple of months ago, I wouldn’t have believed you. So, the strategy works. It’s like this beautiful woven dance of divine masculine and the divine feminine and it's straight f*cking alchemy."

Rosieheals: "Where does one even begin when it comes to putting words to the most luscious, expansive and fruitful self-investment you’ve ever made in your life? It’s one thing to be told that you can blow through your ceiling as a business owner. It’s another thing to be held and led into exactly how to do that - and actually have it all land easy on your body. Damn! These two lovingly and firmly instilled in us how to show up BIG in this world, and to value ourselves and our mission to the core. For how much we thought we’d be receiving out of this investment, I’d say we got it tenfold. Consistently blown away by Josh and Haley’s deep integrity, ingenuity, delivery, and felt support."

Gabrielle Frances: "Ahhhh I am SO grateful for Haley and Josh!!! There’s realllllllly nothing like it. And even when I was in the live program, I had the most successful launch to date and I made more money in that launch than I made in a whole year whilst I worked in London many years ago. This has been the most amazing investment because I still utilize all the tools and support every day. Even when I birth something new, I can take that idea through the same powerful method. I know this will be something I always come back to - this is 100% worth the investment. They were an absolute dream to work with and I appreciate them so much."

Dr. Nicole Heatherly: "Without OBA I wouldn't have a business. During the time in which I had found OBA, I was practicing as a full-time Chiropractor with a great salary, seeing over 200 patients per week, and loving what I was doing. From the outside looking in everything was seemingly great. But, from the inside looking out, I desired something completely different. I desired to deliver my medicine in a different, more authentic, and more pleasurable way. I desired to reach more people than I could in a brick-and-mortar office. I desired to create a business that was sustainable and abundant. Ultimately, I desired more freedom. Until I came across OBA, I had no idea how I would start and run a business to make all of these desires possible, even despite having a bachelor’s degree in business.

Joshua and Haley not only allowed me to see that all of my desires were possible, but they helped me bridge the gap in order to actually bring them to fruition. Through OBA, I was instilled with ethical sales strategies and all of the tools and systems necessary to run a sustainable, abundant business with freedom and ease. But that’s not all - thanks to the perfect blend of masculine and feminine energy (that is Joshua & Haley), I felt fully held, nourished, and empowered throughout a major initiation in my life.

I entered OBA in a state of unknown, left with the business of my dreams, and will forever be thankful for that random scroll on Instagram that brought me into Haley’s field. Thank you, thank you, thank you, from the bottom of my heart."

Autumn Rose: "I found Haley and Josh in a time where my business was bursting out of me, but I had NO idea how to hold the “bigness” of the vision moving through me. I’m a medicine woman, so I knew I needed heart-centered mentors to guide me. Onyx isn’t just a business mentorship - it’s a map, where you turn your love for supporting your brothers and sisters into a lush legacy that will stand the test of time because it’s rooted in integrity. I followed their guidance and signed a $10k pay in full client on the first day of my launch. I’m a mother living in the jungle of Costa Rica serving women all over the world a big dose of womb medicine, and Joshua and Haley have helped me unfurl my wings in a new way.

Let’s just say, there is business before Onyx and business after Onyx - this is your sign to dive in."

Shriyanka Sene: "I feel like a completely different person after OBA. It's been extremely enlightening both internally and externally. Figuring out who I am, how I'm showing up, what I'm even doing here on this planet. I feel like after finishing it my life and my business have 'truly' now started. So I'm feeling very fresh yet so deeply anchored.

Life in general since finding this footing has been incredible. I actually didn't realize that I could have a life with so many good things at once, and the fact that it could get even better. I mean, intellectually I knew that and in my heart I could feel it but to actually see proof now? I am honored to be alive.

Make your move.


Make your move.


Sara Miller: "Words will never be able to express how I feel about the unbelievable level of depth, care and service that has gone into Onyx Business Academy.

When you’re looking in from the outside, I know you feel there’s something very special about the way that Haley & Josh do business, but it’s difficult to comprehend what could possibly be so unique about a business container.

When you enter, your mind will be consistently blown by their integrity, teachings and approach to not just business, but all of life. Somehow, they have managed to create a business blueprint, strategy and tools which activate and optimise your creativity, efficiency and expression, without confining you into a box or model.

My first launch upon graduating OBA was a beautiful success - Bringing in the highest number of clients and biggest financial month to date, after 3 years in business.

But more importantly, what I have now is a stable business model, clear approach and tonnes of momentum, which means that I feel secure in the knowing that I really am just beginning. Beyond this, it will continue to expand in impact, whilst declining in effort.

Haley and Josh have not only provided me with the gift of feeling truly secure, stable & abundant in my finances and business, they have supported me to access deeper states of freedom, creativity & ease as a byproduct.

They set the standard and energetically required me to become a match for it. As a result, I entered into a higher level of personal embodiment and integrity and became a more powerful Coach, Creative, Service Provider and Conscious Leader.

You must be ready to match what Onyx provides and at that point, anything you desire from this experience is possible.

Undoubtedly, unquestionably, the best investment you will ever make."

Isabelle Gloria: “Onyx Business Academy has taught me how to build my coaching business from scratch and helped me to grow into a confident coach with all the tools necessary to take my business to the next level and sell out my launches! You will not be disappointed. You will get much more than you expect.” 

Chiara Naala: “OBA is truly the last business course you'll ever need because it covers absolutely everything you could ever need as an entrepreneur, and more. Haley and Josh are for sure the best in the industry and one of the best investments I've ever made. OBA has provided me with a clear blueprint for my business and I'm now easily selling spots for intakes that are months in the future. My nervous system is so relaxed knowing that the systems I have now allow for infinite growth. I'm forever grateful!"

Sofiya Mariya: "This program is life-changing. The amount of growth I experienced within my business after moving through OBA would have taken me years to cultivate on my own. I now have the freedom to travel the world as a digital nomad while financially thriving. This program was the key to my dream life!"

Sara Lynn: "I had the biggest transformation I’ve ever had in a span of three months. Joshua and Haley give you everything you need in order to run a successful business to make this sustainable, to maintain this over time, and to bring this forward in the most powerful way possible. It’s just incredible what they were able to do in a three-month span of time and what they were able to birth into this program. They have such an expansive space, where you see your vision is possible and they make it so that you can achieve it even quicker. They expand the possibilities and what you see is possible, and just make it into a whole new reality. It’s just absolutely incredible. I’ll be forever grateful for the space that they provided."

Amanda Morea: "These goals that we have as coaches and as entrepreneurs are not of the norm, and you need somebody to push you to go that extra layer. And that’s what Josh and Haley do. They helped me create a seamless back-end system with my business, and all the strategies, so that I can really just drop into my creative energy. They hold space for you in a way that’s so illuminating and so life-changing. If you’re thinking about it, f*cking do it, because it will change your life dramatically."

Alyssa Schneider: "OBA blew my expectations out of the water. Working with Josh and Haley is a dream. Everything you need to cultivate and run a successful business is inside. Within 10 days of opening up applications for my program, I had filled 5 spots at my highest price ever with complete confidence. For the first time, I feel like I am in control of my business rather than it controlling me and I have stepped into the role of a true leader & entrepreneur. It feels really powerful to claim this. My journey through OBA changed my life & whole being and I know it will continue to for years to come."

Isabell Froe: "I am so so happy to share my experiences I had with Josh and Haley in the OBA program. I deeply love and appreciate them. I love them for pushing people forward. I love them for the truth and for their authenticity. I love them for sharing the knowledge so openly with the world. You will not be disappointed. You will get much more than you expect. I can recommend them with all of me. Josh, Haley, thank you so much. I love you and see you."

Lidia Lins: "Joining OBA was a real milestone for me and it changed the entire way I approach my business now.

Coming from the science and the artist world, I had no clue how to streamline a business, develop a structured and impactful program, and scale up my offer in a sustainable way.

Working with Haley and Joshua gave me the confidence to make the decision to quit my full-time job and trust my full potential as a coach and the impact I can create in people’s lives.

OBA is definitely a container that guides you through every step of your business, from branding to selling, and even beyond. I cannot express my gratitude enough for joining OBA and be guided by coaches who not only know what they do, but also carry strong values for themselves and for the planet."

Cynthia Artemis: "The tools in Onyx freaking work. The compounding energy effects are just next level. Joining OBA was one of the best decisions of my life!"

Nicole Brennan: "This year I had an average of 3.2 coaching calls per week, and still brought in over $400k+ despite traveling for 3 months of the year."



Our Signature Offer

This is our most popular offer, and includes everything OBA is known for.

  • Intimate coaching container
  • Weekly coaching calls
  • Direct access to coaches between calls
  • Onyx Learning Portal (lifetime access)
  • Private community access
  • Suite of custom built Onyx tools + templates
  • Additional resources - including a contract template suite and trademarking workshops with our lawyers, tax optimisation workshops from our accountant, working directly with our copywriter and branding designer, and workshops on hosting profitable retreats, advanced cyber-security, and more.

OBA includes 6 months of coaching.




Limited to 1 space per intake

This is an advanced tier available by interview only.


All prices listed are in USD

Autumn Rose: "I crossed my first $50,000 month! I had set this as a goal for myself by the end of the year, but it's already here.
Only 8 months after beginning OBA!

I'm sooo grateful, beyond words. And I know this is just the beginning. Just want to remind you how powerful your LOVE is, Joshua and Haley, and the legacy you are weaving. Honored to be an Onyx bebe.

Olivia Hertzog: "I more than doubled my income this year since joining OBA. 

OBA taught me the systems and strategies I was missing in order to consistently hit 5 figure months. I was so (pleasantly) surprised by how comprehensive their course was. I felt supported and personally cared for by Josh and Haley every step of the way. Very grateful for honest coaches teaching real, practical skills and mindsets for business!"

Joanna Sanchez: "Since working with Haley and Josh in OBA, I’ve been able to completely restructure my business model to one that feels really good to my nervous system. I’ve been in entrepreneurship for 6 years now, and this is the first time that my business feels organized, streamlined, and safe. I love the fact that it’s a gradual process rather than the crazy up and down rollercoaster that I felt in my business for years. After implementing OBA’s framework, I was able to sell out my FIRST intake, making about 23k, attract soul clients, and get my income back up after a period of being in financial hardship. I can’t recommend OBA enough!"

Alexandra Birch: "Thinking of joining Haley and Joshua? Honestly they are the real deal. Before coming to Haley and Joshua I experienced many business coaches that were so focused on either just energetics or the systems of a business. I often fell so short and lost of how to ACTUALLY build a business that was going to last.

Until I found OBA. Haley and Joshua are forces of nature and are the best at what they do. These two are so rooted in their roles to support you!

Joshua is a systems genius and is hyper focused on making your life easier as an entrepreneur - there is no bullshit when he creates something, his sole focus is how to create the longevity of business that is rooted in integrity and not some sleazy way to sell.

Haley is a nurturing powerful force that is there is to support you on integrating along the way. Haley is supports you in shifting your mindset in what it takes to be a successful in entrepreneur. You will feel so loved and support along this journey with Haley in your corner.

OBA is more than just a business program you are joining a community that provides so much love and support along the journey. If you are looking for a business and the freedom that is going to last and stand the test of time join Haley and Joshua. Run towards this opportunity - I guarantee it will be the best decision you make for your business."

Amber Rose: "One of the greatest decisions I ever made in my life. Working with Joshua + Haley absolutely transformed the way I do EVERYTHING in my business. I’m normally the kind of person that would leave a coaching program looking for the next mentor to work with, but what I received through OBA was so comprehensive that I truly feel so fully supported + satiated. I know I will be able to continue to apply everything they’ve taught me as I scale + expand my business. Thank you so much Haley + Joshua, you are true leaders and role models in the realms of ethical business."

Amy Natalie: "Going through Onyx Business Academy was truly transformational for my business. After 10+ years in the coaching industry and working with several other business coaches, I finally found a methodology and business strategy that aligns with my values and with my energy. Working with Haley and Joshua has helped me to simplify and streamline the back-end of my business and create a signature offering that I am obsessed with. I feel like I can relax into my business, knowing that I have a clear plan for scaling my impact and income. Haley and Joshua go above and beyond to deliver excellent value to their clients. I am amazed at how devoted they are to their client’s success, including my own."

Lora Fragnière: "OBA was by far the best business decision I could have made. It's made so much of my vision clearer, it's propelled me into a version of myself I didn't even existed - able to hold long term visions and create the most powerful structures to hold them. I'm so grateful for Haley and Joshua, who bring so much human and soul value to this business mentorship. I recommend it to anyone ready to step into their full potential as an online coach. Anything you may need, you'll find in it OBA"

Inga Yochana: "I never made as much money in a single month in my entire life as I made in my first launch after this program. OBA is a blend of the masculine and feminine in the form of Haley and Josh. Being held by the two and feeling so safe in this container I was able to expand my nervous system for confidently holding higher levels of success and create a healthy relationship with my business aka pushing myself when necessary and leaning back and enjoying the harvest of my hard work. No more overworking or giving away power in victim mindset. Having the proper systems and strategies allows me to be in my feminine and really relax into my vision to serve more women while simultaneously bathing in my own energy and success."


Those who reach success do so because they give themselves exactly what they need to reach their vision.

They do not procrastinate.
They do not second-guess themselves. 

They make uncomfortable decisions, and act with purpose.

If reaching your full potential and building the life you know you deserve has been on your mind for too long... it is time to get uncomfortable.

Your business, and your life, will remain the same until you take bold action.



Those who reach success do so because they give themselves exactly what they need to reach their vision.

They do not procrastinate.
They do not second-guess themselves. 

They make uncomfortable decisions, and act with purpose.

If reaching your full potential and building the life you know you deserve has been on your mind for too long... it is time to get uncomfortable.

Your business, and your life, will remain the same until you take bold action.