Masterclass Series

Million-dollar strategies for the coaches ready to claim what's theirs.






OBA is driven to turn mission-driven coaches into millionaires who have the soul, resources, and integrity to do good in this world. We teach our students the strategies, mindset, systems, and ethical sales skills to build 7+ figure empires. 



"The best investment I have ever made in my life."

"Before I joined Onyx, I had been a coach for almost six years, and I was struggling to pay my bills, and to pay my rent.

Since being a part of Onyx, I have tripled my income, and I have signed on more clients in a month than I’ve ever signed on. My family and I are about to move into our dream house.

I have never had this much support as an entrepreneur."

Kayla Pickering | Womens Empowerment Coach



"I have integrated and fully stepped into my role as a leader."

"This program is so much more than a program. It’s an energetic tuning and upgrade. Haley & Josh - more so than any business coach I’ve worked with - really see your highest potential and they push you to show up and actualize that potential.

When I started this program… my audience was growing more quickly than I could handle. I know I know, that’s a great problem to have, but they provided me with systems that would allow for my nervous system to regulate. In the span of 3 short months, I have integrated and fully stepped into my role as a leader. I don’t just write like a leader or think like a leader or want to be a leader. I am a leader, and I feel that in my bones. I feel so grateful to Haley & Josh for teaching the strategies and tools that allow me to really embody that (in addition to me doing my own work of course).

I’ll add that their unique balance of feminine + masculine energies was also really nourishing to my nervous system. Somedays I align more with the feminine, some days more with the logical and strategic masculine. Having access to both feels great.

In the 3 months since starting OBA - I have signed 15 high-ticket clients and reached a point where I can honestly say that it’s easy. Haley always says that… let it be easy. Trust me when I tell you that when you do get to that state when it really does become easy… I’m so freaking grateful that I trusted myself and the universe enough to make this investment in myself and my business."

Nicole Brennan | Empowerment Guide + Sound Facilitator


"The best investment I have ever made in my life."

"Before I joined Onyx, I had been a coach for almost six years, and I was struggling to pay my bills, and to pay my rent.

Since being a part of Onyx, I have tripled my income, and I have signed on more clients in a month than I’ve ever signed on. My family and I are about to move into our dream house.

I have never had this much support as an entrepreneur."

Kayla Pickering | Womens Empowerment Coach

"I have integrated and fully stepped into my role as a leader."

"This program is so much more than a program. It’s an energetic tuning and upgrade. Haley & Josh - more so than any business coach I’ve worked with - really see your highest potential and they push you to show up and actualize that potential

When I started this program… my audience was growing more quickly than I could handle. I know I know, that’s a great problem to have, but they provided me with systems that would allow for my nervous system to regulate. In the span of 3 short months, I have integrated and fully stepped into my role as a leader. I don’t just write like a leader or think like a leader or want to be a leader. I am a leader, and I feel that in my bones. I feel so grateful to Haley & Josh for teaching the strategies and tools that allow me to really embody that (in addition to me doing my own work of course).

I’ll add that their unique balance of feminine + masculine energies was also really nourishing to my nervous system. Somedays I align more with the feminine, some days more with the logical and strategic masculine. Having access to both feels great.

In the 3 months since starting OBA - I have signed 15 high-ticket clients and reached a point where I can honestly say that it’s easy. Haley always says that… let it be easy. Trust me when I tell you that when you do get to that state when it really does become easy… I’m so freaking grateful that I trusted myself and the universe enough to make this investment in myself and my business."

Nicole Brennan | Empowerment Guide + Sound Facilitator

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Success is choice 

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"This is 100% worth the investment."

"Ahhhh I am SO grateful for Haley and Josh!!! For MANY years I have been absolutely useless with the back end of my business. I was always reaching states of overwhelm and dropping momentum. It felt like chaos tbh. I came to Haley and Josh wanting to scale, simplify and make my life a lot easier. To be honest, I still resisted this when I was in the program - it’s taken me a while for my self-image to adjust and for me to believe I can have a safe, stable, grounding business.

They are 100% right when it comes to the amount of money you will save on hiring team etc with these incredible systems in place. There’s realllllllly nothing like it. And even when I was in the live program, I had the most successful launch to date and I made more money in that launch than I made in a whole year whilst I worked in London many years ago. This has been the most amazing investment because I still utilize all the tools and support every day. Even when I birth something new, I can take that idea through the same powerful method. I know this will be something I always come back to - this is 100% worth the investment. They were an absolute dream to work with and I appreciate them so much. Take it from me, don’t resist all the practical systems they give you because it will make your life SO much easier!!! All the love, G xxxxx"

Gabrielle Francis | Devotional Healing

"I feel f*cking on fire."

"OBA has really been life-changing for me. With the strategies that Josh teaches us, and the marketing and all the things, I literally am almost all the way sold out of my one-on-one program. If you told me this a couple of months ago, I wouldn’t have believed you. So, the strategy works. 

Josh and Haley bring something completely different to the table. It’s like this beautiful woven dance of divine masculine and the divine feminine and it's straight f*cking alchemy. I’m just excited to almost be sold out on my July launch. I feel f*cking on fire. Its like Zoom, Zoom, Zoom over here. I’m just so thankful. The expectation that I had of business mentors is not what I received from Josh and Haley, this experience with them is more than just mentors. This is a family. We are a unit. And the care that... I have goosebumps... The care that they give to each and every person and OBA I can’t even put words to it. I never thought that I would receive the love that I did from them and I’m just so grateful."

Sharice Tareva | Empowerment Coach

"One of the greatest decisions I have made in my life."

"Working with Joshua + Haley absolutely transformed the way I do EVERYTHING in my business. I was so so so deeply passionate about my work, and so committed to my clients, but I honestly just had absolutely no idea how to run a business. 

OBA taught me systems + strategies that allow me to feel SO held and supported as a very feminine woman in business.

  • It transformed my mindset around business + money.
  • It facilitated deep healing around the coaching industry itself + feminine competition/scarcity wounds that I still held.
  • It helped me to define + hold strong boundaries with my work.
  • I raised my prices to a place that reflects the value of my work.
  • I now approach sales with LOVE and excitement because it’s another place I get to serve.

I’m normally the kind of person that would leave a coaching program looking for the next mentor to work with, but what I received through OBA was so comprehensive that I truly feel so fully supported + satiated. I know I will be able to continue to apply everything they’ve taught me as I scale + expand my business.

Thank you SO much Haley + Joshua, you are true leaders + role models in the realms of ethical business."

Amber Rose | Cyclical and Womanhood Mentor

"This is 100% worth the investment"

"Ahhhh I am SO grateful for Haley and Josh!!! For MANY years I have been absolutely useless with the back end of my business. I was always reaching states of overwhelm and dropping momentum. It felt like chaos tbh. I came to Haley and Josh wanting to scale, simplify and make my life a lot easier. To be honest, I still resisted this when I was in the program - it’s taken me a while for my self-image to adjust and for me to believe I can have a safe, stable, grounding business.

They are 100% right when it comes to the amount of money you will save on hiring team etc with these incredible systems in place. There’s realllllllly nothing like it. And even when I was in the live program, I had the most successful launch to date and I made more money in that launch than I made in a whole year whilst I worked in London many years ago. This has been the most amazing investment because I still utilize all the tools and support every day. Even when I birth something new, I can take that idea through the same powerful method. I know this will be something I always come back to - this is 100% worth the investment. They were an absolute dream to work with and I appreciate them so much. Take it from me, don’t resist all the practical systems they give you because it will make your life SO much easier!!! All the love, G xxxxx"

Gabrielle Francis | Devotional Healing

"I feel f*cking on fire."

"OBA has really been life-changing for me. With the strategies that Josh teaches us, and the marketing and all the things, I literally am almost all the way sold out of my one-on-one program. If you told me this a couple of months ago, I wouldn’t have believed you. So, the strategy works. 

Josh and Haley bring something completely different to the table. It’s like this beautiful woven dance of divine masculine and the divine feminine and it's straight f*cking alchemy. I’m just excited to almost be sold out on my July launch. I feel f*cking on fire. Its like Zoom, Zoom, Zoom over here. I’m just so thankful. The expectation that I had of business mentors is not what I received from Josh and Haley, this experience with them is more than just mentors. This is a family. We are a unit. And the care that... I have goosebumps... The care that they give to each and every person and OBA I can’t even put words to it. I never thought that I would receive the love that I did from them and I’m just so grateful."

Sharice Tareva | Empowerment Coach

"One of the greatest decisions I have made in my life."

"Working with Joshua + Haley absolutely transformed the way I do EVERYTHING in my business. I was so so so deeply passionate about my work, and so committed to my clients, but I honestly just had absolutely no idea how to run a business. 

OBA taught me systems + strategies that allow me to feel SO held and supported as a very feminine woman in business.

  • It transformed my mindset around business + money.
  • It facilitated deep healing around the coaching industry itself + feminine competition/scarcity wounds that I still held.
  • It helped me to define + hold strong boundaries with my work.
  • I raised my prices to a place that reflects the value of my work.
  • I now approach sales with LOVE and excitement because it’s another place I get to serve.

I’m normally the kind of person that would leave a coaching program looking for the next mentor to work with, but what I received through OBA was so comprehensive that I truly feel so fully supported + satiated. I know I will be able to continue to apply everything they’ve taught me as I scale + expand my business.

Thank you SO much Haley + Joshua, you are true leaders + role models in the realms of ethical business."

Amber Rose | Cyclical and Womanhood Mentor